PLANADAS | Colombia — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!



PLANADAS | Colombia

Square Planadas label.png

PLANADAS | Colombia

from $13.00

Get ready to meet your new favorite Colombian! An intoxicating aroma will invite you to immerse yourself in this bold, sweet, intense cup! Subtle citrus notes perfectly complement a light caramel sweetness dance on the palate in this exemplarily well-balanced cup. Its bold finish will leave a lasting impression.

An outstanding Organic lot grown by an amazing group of small farmers, whom we have been supporting individually and as a group, since 2019.

Process: Washed, sun-dried on raised beds.

Varietals: Caturra, Bourbon, Castillo, Typica.

Region: Planadas, Tolima

Farmer Co-Op: ASOPAP (Asociación de Productores Agropecuarios de Cafe Especial de Planadas)

Certifications: Organic + sourced at a 250% premium above “Fair Trade”

Roast level: Full Medium (Full City Roast)

Grind (guide below):


Coarse | French Press, Cold Brew, Moka Pot (Percolator), Chemex (and any other slow-flowing Pour-Over methods)

Medium-fine | Drip (standard or programmable coffee makers), single-cup brewers (automatic or one-cup Pour-Over dripper), Aeropress.

We always recommend grinding your coffee fresh for the absolute best experience. Pre-grinding your coffee exposes more surface area to the air, which means faster aroma loss and faster de-gassing/staling. If you must buy ground, we highly recommend placing the whole bag (including packaging) inside an airtight container, and using/opening one bag at a time if possible.

This Organic, high-scoring, high-impact, single-varietal micro-lot is our next step in our journey to champion amazing coffees from small farmers! We fell in love with this amazing coffee by the “Asociacion de Productores Agropecuarios de Cafe Especial de Planadas” (ASOPAP), which has only 29 members and is certified Organic and Fair-Trade, and is actively trying to champion both sustainability and better prices for their members! A key part of this effort is to select the absolute best coffees from their members, and offer it as a high-scoring Co-Op microlot that can command high price premiums. We’re thrilled to support their efforts again this year, and hope to continue to buy the best coffees they can produce for many years to come!
Extremely versatile, this coffee features very high soluble solids, and makes strong, bold cups in a variety of methods, from your morning Drip brew to home Cold Brewing! And of course, French Press and pour-overs! Also does well as a single-origin Espresso (yet optimal extraction seems particularly crucial - avoid long extraction times to prevent over-extraction). It pairs exceptionally well with milk-based drinks.