RAISING THE BAR! | Can you help us? — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!



RAISING THE BAR! | Can you help us?

We just added our first CAFE FEMENINO® coffees - Cauca (Colombia) & Andes (Peru) - both a step beyond Fair-Trade & Organic, and our new line of Organic loose-leaf custom tea blends featuring tons of fruits, herbals, and of course, amazing black and green teas!

It's been a busy few weeks sampling, roasting, tasting, & sourcing new coffees, elevating our tea program, and working on the installation of our second roaster... but today, as we finally get to put them in front of all of YOU... we realize it's been all well worth it! (If you're a subscriber, we'll honor requests for any of our new coffees and we'll be sending you a 'surprise' tea sample on your next box. We'll be including tea samples on online orders too!)

As we think about the next stage in our story, we're also thinking of ways to elevate both your subscriber experience and your online shopping experience - as they're the core & very likely the future of our business! We really, really, want to have one of the BEST coffee subscription programs in the US (maybe the world?) - offering unparalleled value, freshness, and flexibility/personalization. We also want to have one of the best online values on Fair-Trade & Beyond, Organic, freshly roasted coffee - we want to be so delicious, fresh, and compelling... that no other "shelf" coffee would compare! Yet, we know we don't have a monopoly on ideas! So, if there's anything you'd recommend we do to keep raising the bar, keep earning the opportunity to roast for you again, and become a constant source of pride & conversation with your coffee-loving friends... would you please share it with us? (coffee@ethosroasters.com)

Thank you for your support, generosity, and forever & always, for making this journey possible!

Jolian & Lisbeth

PS. Quick update on R15 installation - we had to special-order some parts for the venting system, which will hopefully be here next week! Should only be a couple more weeks after that before we start firing up our first roasts! We'll be adding VIP tours once we're up and running... stay tuned for dates & online signups (hopefully by our next edition!)