
Let's Not "Go Back"... Let's Go Beyond...

As our country re-opens, and we adapt to a new post-COVID reality, we may find ourselves in a unique position to make a difference… to support the places, the ideas, the people, and the organizations shaping not just the world as it is, but the world as we would like it to be! This is a special call to support them… a special invitation to go beyond labels, beyond certifications, beyond pretty marketing graphics and clever tactics… to paying attention to their real - always quantifiable, always specific - impact and support those who are making the difference you would like to see in the world! Now, more than ever, your support will be the difference between those businesses and organizations who make it… and those who don’t!

If there’s one thing I now know for sure is… that nothing is bigger than the collective impact of small actions, and nothing more powerful than a small idea in action. You keep proving this to us every single day… that we can go beyond a $0.20 “Fair-Trade” premium… that we can place impact at the top of our list when sourcing… that small farmers (not just wealthy farms and “Estates”, as is the case with most Specialty coffees) can produce some of the best coffees in the world if given the right opportunity and support… and that we can make all of this happen at a fraction of the cost (per cup) that you’d pay for coffee at a gas station! One of the unexpected rewards of this journey has been my own growth as a conscious consumer, as I’ve become keenly aware of my responsibility for everything I buy - and from whom I buy it - and how big the impact of those seemingly small decisions really is! So, I hope you’ll go beyond coffee… I hope you’ll find and champion as many small companies daring - and trying - to make a difference in this new world that now more than ever, favors the survival - and consolidation - of the giants!

Once again (and I won’t ever get tired of saying it) - THANK YOU for making a difference through coffee with us… it is always a privilege to roast for you, and my ultimate happiness to get to #BrewGreatness in the world with you!

❤︎ Lisbeth

P.S. We’ll begin our 2020 “RE:” Summer Series next month (he doesn’t know it yet… but Jolian is writing the first one!) - which is a 3-month series of articles on different coffee topics… we would love to hear from you on which topics or questions you’d like us to feature this year! Please email us:! Oh… and we have one more coffee surprise for you this Summer… stay tuned for our new ETHEREAL Blend launching in June!