Beginnings — Coffee Blog — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!




Happy 2020! Let's Brew (more) Greatness!

The start of the New Year is such an exciting time! This is the time to set new goals, to draft new plans, to embrace new beginnings… a blank page - waiting to be written!

This year, we hope to continue to write this story… a story of lifting others through the power of (coffee-driven) opportunity. Our primary goal is to continue - and grow - our support for those we have championed since the beginning, as we understand true impact is only possible through a long-term view - and a long-term commitment. We want to see the town flourish - we want to see them reach levels of economic prosperity they might not even be able to imagine today. As you may know, we’re doing our first Origin Trip with customers next month (we’ll be in Guatemala Feb 14-18)… and we truly can’t wait to share our Guatemalan adventures with you on our Facebook and Instagram (@ethosroasters) - and bring you a little taste of the amazing world of coffee farming, and the collective impact that we are all having in the lives of farmers and their community. We believe that all of us who share this world are deeply connected to each other, and that every act of love and kindness in one place has incredibly ripple effects that reach much farther than we can see, often beyond our understanding.

As you start 2020 and begin to write this new page… we hope you’ll remember our interconnectedness and never underestimate the power - and impact - of the small things. Coffee is one of those small things - we hope you’ll continue to join us Brewing Greatness - to always seek a cup that goes beyond taste, to seek a cup that transforms lives and creates a better world for all of us!

Always grateful for you, and always doing our best to Brew Greatness,

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We also have a ‘stretch goal’ - to begin at least one new, highly impactful, long-term partnership with a small farmer Co-Op in another country - which would not just mean a new amazing permanent coffee offering for all of us, but it would also mean we’d all get to have an impact in another region of the world!


This month we celebrate coffee (National Coffee Day is Sept 29th) - the amazing drink powering our days and inspiring our conversations for over a thousand years! (Yes, coffee is really that old, discovered in 11th century Ethiopia).

As we celebrate our love for coffee, I wanted to take an opportunity to connect with you, our customers (current and potential), and thank you for making this dream, this leap, possible!

Coffee for us is so much more than an amazing drink... it is the way we've chosen to try to make a difference in the world. You may have not realized, but each of our coffee origins has not been selected based solely on quality and flavor, but also to support the people behind it - and to ensure their efforts are increasingly recognized and rewarded. This has meant saying "no" to high-scoring Specialty coffees that were absolutely delicious and attractively priced, but that did not meet our "Ethically Sourced" criteria (Fair-Trade or higher prices paid to the farmers, supporting a Co-op or small group of small farmers, and grown under sustainable methods or certified Organic). Quality and price can't matter if we're supporting well-funded coffee farms only trying to "grow their business" - no matter how high the quality or price, this is not ethically sourced. Our buying power is the single most powerful weapon each of us (businesses and individuals) has - and if we use it thoughtfully, we can support - and build - the kind of world we want to live in... and those who are trying to build it!

Thank you for supporting us, at Ethos Roasters - wholeheartedly trying!

= Lisbeth

PS. Thank you for reading! If you made it this far, you deserve a discount code! Please use "BACK4COFFEE" at checkout for 10% off your entire order until Oct 29th!