pacheco — Coffee Blog — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!




😎 Hello 2023 Ethereal Summer Blend!

Summer is here, and we’re excited to welcome it with our 2023 edition of Ethereal Summer Blend! - sweet, smooth, refreshing - it’s the perfect blend to enjoy during the hot summer months - both as an energizing cup in the morning, and later in the day as a refreshing iced or cold brew. We’ll re-visit our favorite iced and cold brew recipes and tricks on our “Monday Bit” this Summer (we post new “bits” every Monday on our Instagram @ethosroasters, and you can always watch past “bits” by visiting the Monday Bit highlights in our profile).

This year’s Ethereal features both Poaquil (natural process, Guatemala) and Pacheco (honey process, Honduras) to create a sweet, high-impact coffee blend that's perfect for summer sipping. You’ll get to start your summer days with a perfect balance of modern and classic flavors that will delight you in a wide variety of methods - both hot and cold - all while creating life-changing opportunities for small Central American farmers in the process! We’re really hoping you’ll love it, and that we’ll get to continue to support them by buying more and more coffees from them this year.

Thank you always for making our Ethos possible, and for all the love and support we feel every roasting day when we look at those beautiful long lists with every single one of your orders, ready to be fulfilled…. it is truly a joy and an honor to get to roast for you, and we hope that this Summer is filled with new adventures and new opportunities… we’ll keep roasting the most exquisite, most impactful coffees we can find for you, and hope they get to travel with you in your many adventures! Or, in case you prefer your freshly roasted coffee to travel to you… remember we roast & ship (via 1-3 Day Priority) to ANY address within the USA - three times a week, every single week!

Excited to share the new Ethereal, and always looking forward to roasting for you,

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We just got new yellow hats from our last trip to Guatemala… as one more impact-focused offering, and an always favorite summer accessory that keeps harmful UV rays away from your face (we do want you to live longer, healthier lives!)… we hope you’ll check them out, and let us know which other colors you’d like to see in the future! (we’ve also decided to include one as a special gift on all large orders (>10 lbs) this Summer!)

🎉 "PACHECO" - our newest High-Impact Honey! 🇭🇳

Our newest High-Impact coffee from Honduras is now available as a single-origin! And - thanks to your valuable advice on the name, it is called “Pacheco” - as it comes from the town of Pacheco in La Paz, Honduras. It is our newest high-impact partnership through our collaboration with Chad and Christie of Mtn2Sea Ministries, and the more we have gotten to know them, the more inspired and in awe we are of their calling to make a difference… Chad is currently in Honduras right now, doing a lot of the groundwork to amplify the impact that coffee can have in this community, and we truly can’t wait to see the transformation (we have plans to join him next year). This coffee is incredibly sweet, balanced, and full-bodied that offers a kaleidoscope of flavor gems to savor in every cup. A truly special collaboration with people who deeply share our desire to be the difference, and one which we hope to be able to support for many years, and change many lives in Honduras!

This Summer, you can also look forward to the launch of the 2022 Ethereal Summer Blend (late May), the new seasonal “Sunrise” herbal tea (a refreshing blend of lemongrass, rose hips and other botanicals), and more videos on coffee methods on our Facebook and IG @ethosroasters. Plus, we’ll be back next month with our 2022 “RE:” technical summer series with an Iced Coffee deep-dive, a fun historical piece and… anything else we haven’t covered but you’d like to know more about? (all our past technical series begin with “RE:” so you can easily search for them in our blog archives).

If you’re getting back to traveling more this year, we hope you’ll bring some Ethos with you in your adventures… if you do, please tag us on your stories (@ethosroasters), so we can share with our Ethos family! We can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go, and the coffees you’ll choose to go with you!

Always looking forward to roasting for you, and always deeply grateful to begin each day Brewing Greatness in the world with you!

💛 Jolian & Lisbeth