HAPPY NEW YEAR! β€” Ethos Coffee Roasters

πŸ₯³ Cheers to 9 years! πŸŽ‰

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!




Hello 2018! We wanted to begin this year by thanking you for making 2017 the best year in Ethos history (yet!), and wishing you many new adventures, blessings, and delicious cups of freshly roasted coffee in 2018!

As we look back a year, we really couldn't have imagined what 2017 had in store for us - from the move to our own (amazing) location in Lakeland, to being honored with a prestigious Entrepreneurship award, appearing on prestigious local and regional publications (Tampa Bay Times, The Ledger, Haven Lakeland, and The Lakelander) and even on TV (Bay News 9 and local NBC Channel 8) - we really couldn't have imagined how an incredible year 2017 turned out to be! Yet, the most amazing and exciting thing that happens to us every single day is when we get an order from a returning customer - it really is the most exciting feeling in the world to get to do what we love, for reasons we love even more (the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of farmers and customers), and for people who are giving us the chance to do it again! We realize we haven't met all of you yet - but we want you to know we're truly and deeply grateful to you for every single time we get to roast for you! 

As we begin 2018, we're looking forward to so many things... from our first craft beer collaboration, with the incredibly talented team at Swan Brewing, to getting our first multi-store customer, Uncle Nick's Bagels, and adding our SECOND roaster this year (stay tuned... we would love YOU to be part of this!). Above all, we're looking forward to the chance to impact a lot more people (farmers, customers, and partners) and get closer to our long-term goal of creating a new sourcing model that goes beyond Fair-Trade, and building the most customer-centered coffee roastery in the world! 

And for each of you we hope 2018 brings you everything you're wishing (and working) for!

Jolian & Lisbeth