new year — Coffee Blog — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!



new year

🥳 New Year, New Coffee!

As we embark on a new year filled with possibilities, we’re overjoyed to share with you our newest coffee: Huila! An embodiment of excellence, uniqueness, and impact that embodies our Ethos to change the world one cup at a time!

In the high hills of La Unión, nestled in the heart of Huila, Colombia, a small but determined collective of small farmers is quietly reshaping the future of their coffee community. Guided by a dream of a better life, they have cultivated a coffee that is as remarkable for its flavor as it is for its testament to the power of community and commitment to excellence.. Huila’s tasting notes read like a love letter to nature: honey, plum, and peach - lots of peach! Each sip is an absolute delight, beginning with the gentle sweetness of golden honey, transitioning to the lush ripeness of plum, and finishing with a crisp, bold bright note of peach. These flavors don’t just happen by chance; they are the result of meticulous attention to detail given to these Organic Caturra varietal beans, including a 72-hour anaerobic fermentation to enhance complexity and depth. This one is for the coffee enthusiast seeking something truly special, this one is for YOU, Ethos family! And we bought the entirety of this microlot and are planning to offer it mostly exclusively online (always including our subscribers, of course!) so we can make it last as long as possible!

We have no words to express our immense gratitude for yet another record-breaking year in 2024, so we hope this new coffee reflects our gratitude and commitment to always bringing you the best. This 2025 we really want to set a new bar on off-the-charts excellence, impact, and value - one that’s so compelling and memorable, that we hope you’ll proudly share with anyone who will listen! Our Ethos, our impact, our coffee is possible thanks to YOU - thank you for the LOVE Ethos family… we can’t wait to write this 2025 chapter with you!

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We also recently re-imagined and made our Crema Espresso Blend even more delicious- keeping the sweet, nutty profile that you’ve always loved, yet adding more body and creaminess to the cup with the addition of high-grown Colombian beans, and a new direct-trade partnership! We hope you’ll give it a try and let us know your thoughts!

🥳 Happy 2 0 2 4 !

Happy 2024, Ethos family! We hope your New Year is brimming with joy and exciting possibilities. As we embark on this journey together, we're thrilled to share some updates that we hope will help make this year a bit more memorable, more joyful, and more impactful!

To kick off the year, we've welcomed the new "Cajamarca" to our coffee family. This double-fermented, washed, organic Peruvian coffee from the skilled hands of Esmérita Vasquez offers a rich cup with sweet stone fruit notes and delicate citrus undertones. The 48-hour double fermentation process results in a syrupy body and a complex flavor profile that we felt perfectly complemented all our current offerings.

We're also excited to introduce the 2024 Brewing Experience! Join us at the roastery for some hands-on learning of the chemistry of coffee brewing. Learn the basics, brew different coffees, and have all your coffee questions answered by professionals. But that's not all - each participant will leave with a brand new V60 Dripper and a bag of one of our latest coffee releases, freshly roasted for them earlier that day! We’re limiting this to 10 participants per date, and tickets for our March, April, and May events are now available. Visit the Ethos Brewing Experience page to learn more and secure your spot!

Finally, we're thrilled to announce the acquisition of a highly coveted piece of land in the south of Lakeland (by Christina Park), for the future home of our flagship coffee shop, which will focus on drive-thru excellence and coffee education. Imagine having a higher-quality, healthier —yet just as convenient and fast— alternative to chain coffee shops when you’re on the go… AND a welcoming space where the slow bar menu dazzles, and unique coffee events and experiences happen! All while championing life-changing prices for small farmers and a better world for all involved. It is still a couple of years away (yes, we’ll be literally paving our own entrance lanes, parking, and a whole building!), but we just couldn't wait to share this exciting news with our Ethos family - and we’ll do our best to keep you updated as we reach major milestones, and you’ll of course be among the first invited to come see it!

Thank you for being part of our Ethos family. Your support fuels our passion, our dreams for the future, and we truly are looking forward to a year filled with exceptional coffee, continuous learning, and changing the world, one cup of coffee at a time! Here's to our Ethos journey and the exciting chapters awaiting us in 2024 and beyond,

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We also just came back from our last visit to our Poaquil farmers! We’ve uploaded a few videos to both our Facebook and Instagram pages, and we’ll make sure to keep sharing more over time. It was truly amazing to see all the incredible growth and development that has occurred there since our last visit… they’ve become fairly sophisticated with their processing methods, and we’ve begun some conversations that we hope will lead to some very interesting profiles for our Ethos family for the next harvest season!

☀️ Hello 2023!

Happy New Year! We hope your 2023 is off to a great start, and that you’ve had (or will soon have) a chance to reflect and set an intention for the year ahead. We are looking forward to continue growing our impact this year, and are ready to begin with an open mind and an open heart for the new partnerships, new coffees, and new opportunities this new year may bring us!

Our first new crop arrival this year is Poaquil Honey (Chimaltenango, Guatemala) - and we can’t think of a better way to start the year than this incredible example of our Ethos. It’s amazing to look back and remember the Co-Op actually did their very first “Honey experiment” five years ago, and produced only about a hundred kilos for us that year. This year, they’re producing thousands of kilos, and is not just the quantity that has grown - their production capabilities and quality consistency have also exponentially grown. Poaquil Honey is now a consistently sweet, creamy, chocolate-forward cup that exists at that perfect intersection of unique yet familiar, and one that is definitely worth trying this 2023!

We look forward to making 2023 one more beautiful chapter of our Ethos: one more year devoted to the continuous pursuit of better, of doing our best every single day, yet always open to discover a better way along the way. Every single day, and every single order - it is an absolute joy and honor to roast for you, our Ethos family! Thank you for beginning this new year… Brewing Greatness in the world with us!

💛 Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. You may be seeing some different shipping boxes in the next few weeks… USPS will unfortunately soon discontinue the “regional” Priority Mail boxes we had been using all these years… so, we’ll be adapting and using other Priority Mail boxes - keeping your tracking, insurance, and free shipping on $39 and all subscriptions!

💫 Our 2022 journey begins!

We’re starting this year with a beautiful present (this amazing video!), and a new coffee: Organic Sierra Nevada from the highest peaks in Colombia! An outstanding 88-pt coffee with a heavy body and intense notes of caramel, citrus, and brown sugars, and the perfectly bold, well-balanced cup to start the New Year!

We also just secured a limited amount of the highly renowned “Geisha” varietal (a famously delicate and floral, yet very challenging to grow coffee!) - ours will come from a small group of women farmers in Santa Barbara, Honduras, and should arrive just in time to celebrate our SIXTH year anniversary (officially March 8th). We’ll also have the 2022 Brew Greatness Blend, special freebies on all your boxes, and maybe even some birthday treat collaborations with one of our amazing local partners!

We truly want 2022 to be our most impactful year yet, both for our existing coffee partners, and for any new small coffee farmers we get to meet this year! Living through all the pandemic challenges made us realize -more than ever - how fortunate we are, and how much of a difference we can make. The world is changing faster than ever, yet it’s often easy to forget that people - just like us - are the ones actually changing the world. Whether we realize it or not, our world has always been a product of our collective actions. And though we are only a small group of people in the world… for the small farmers we get to support, we are the difference in their world. Thank you for beginning one more year #BrewingGreatness with us… we truly can’t wait to write this new chapter with you!

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We really would love your ideas on what you would like to see from us this year! More coffee origins? More loose-leaf teas? Roastery visits? More coffee partner events? Email and/or and let us know!

2021 : A New Chapter Begins!

Just a few weeks ago, we began our first ‘blank page’ of the year… and we’ve been busy preparing to write a really great new chapter with you this year!

Our goal is to make 2021 the year of “even better”… even higher scoring new coffees, even bigger impact, even more storytelling, and an even better connection with you, our Ethos family! Our first coffee arrivals of the year truly reflect this - we have Diana’s new “Planadas” microlot (a lower yield this season, but an even more outstanding coffee this year!), the new crop of our amazing Natural Yirgacheffe (as floral and fruity as ever!), and more of both of our Cafe Femenino coffees (Rio Coco & Andes) just arrived today! We’re so excited to keep growing our support for all these small farmers, while having the opportunity to search for the most unique, most special, most impactful coffees we can find… and we hope to soon be able to announce the arrival of our first experimental dry fermentation nano-lot from Colombia, from an incredible small grower!

We also look forward to continuing our support of D. R. Congo - we just got samples of all their new crops, and will soon need to decide which coffee(s) to get from them… so if you have a few minutes, we’d love if you could share your thoughts on Umoja (we’re on our last bag right now!), and more generally on what kinds of flavor notes you’d love to see on our new coffees and blends this year!

Oh, and Brew Greatness bracelets are back - and better than ever! We’ll keep including one on every single order, and a new, more special design on your larger orders (>$50). We also have new Ethos totes, also in a more sophisticated design that we hope you’ll love (and we’ll keep including them on all samplers and free on all orders over $100). Both our totes and bracelets are lovingly made in Guatemala by women artisans, which we’re also so honored to continue supporting through our coffee proceeds!

Thank you so, so much for the privilege to begin this year so busy… finding new ways to make an impact, discovering new coffees, roasting for you, and getting to #BrewGreatness in the world with you every single day! Thank you for making this dream, this work, this coffee, this Ethos - possible!

Thrilled about all our new adventures this year,

Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. You’ll also see our 8-oz bags changing soon… to the new design (matching our new 16-oz bags)… you’ve been so amazing, that we’ve depleted our bag inventories much faster than we thought… so there’s a chance we may need to use interim bags to ‘bridge the gap’ until the new bags arrive (our apologies in advance - rest assured, the coffee inside will be as great and as fresh as always).

Happy 2019! | This is YOUR year!

We hope you’re having a great start to YOUR year! These first days of the year have truly flown by us, yet we wanted to take a moment and give you an update on our plans for 2019!

Our main goal this year is to make it YOUR year - to find ways to do more, and give more to you - the people that we get to roast for! We want to make sure you not just fall in love with the coffee - but with our mission to create opportunities for small farmers and with our vision of a world where no child has to sacrifice school (for a life in the coffee fields) to help their parents feed their siblings - that is our dream*! We know we can’t do it alone, and that for us to achieve that dream, we must become coffee worth sharing!

This year, we want to make sure we give you an experience worth sharing - worth sharing based on a particular coffee you love or a new tasting note you just identified… worth sharing based on the incredible aroma you get from a fresh roast… but mostly worth sharing because you can give other coffee lovers the opportunity to make a positive (social, environmental, life-changing) impact through something as seemingly small as the cup (or cups) of coffee we drink every day! And perhaps also worth sharing because of the related (bigger) conversation about how the largest impact we collectively have in the world is all about the things we buy (or don’t buy!) - as every purchase is a “vote” (with our dollars) for the world we want to see.

So we want to begin the year with a request - if there’s anything you’d like to see from us this year… please share! (💌

We hope 2019 is YOUR year in every sense, and that it brings you the opportunity - and the courage - to pursue all your dreams,

Jolian & Lisbeth

* Yes, we’re big admirers of the work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr! Happy MLK Day!

PS. We just shared some photos and a video (on FB) from our Poaquil partners - they have some brand new coffee equipment thanks to YOU!


Hello 2018! We wanted to begin this year by thanking you for making 2017 the best year in Ethos history (yet!), and wishing you many new adventures, blessings, and delicious cups of freshly roasted coffee in 2018!

As we look back a year, we really couldn't have imagined what 2017 had in store for us - from the move to our own (amazing) location in Lakeland, to being honored with a prestigious Entrepreneurship award, appearing on prestigious local and regional publications (Tampa Bay Times, The Ledger, Haven Lakeland, and The Lakelander) and even on TV (Bay News 9 and local NBC Channel 8) - we really couldn't have imagined how an incredible year 2017 turned out to be! Yet, the most amazing and exciting thing that happens to us every single day is when we get an order from a returning customer - it really is the most exciting feeling in the world to get to do what we love, for reasons we love even more (the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of farmers and customers), and for people who are giving us the chance to do it again! We realize we haven't met all of you yet - but we want you to know we're truly and deeply grateful to you for every single time we get to roast for you! 

As we begin 2018, we're looking forward to so many things... from our first craft beer collaboration, with the incredibly talented team at Swan Brewing, to getting our first multi-store customer, Uncle Nick's Bagels, and adding our SECOND roaster this year (stay tuned... we would love YOU to be part of this!). Above all, we're looking forward to the chance to impact a lot more people (farmers, customers, and partners) and get closer to our long-term goal of creating a new sourcing model that goes beyond Fair-Trade, and building the most customer-centered coffee roastery in the world! 

And for each of you we hope 2018 brings you everything you're wishing (and working) for!

Jolian & Lisbeth