2018 — Coffee Blog — Ethos Coffee Roasters

🥳 Cheers to 9 years! 🎉

We’re celebrating with a one-of-a-kind 🎁 on all orders of 3 lbs or more!

Read all about our 9 year celebrations in our blog!




A last Thank You...

Greetings from Colombia! This last day of the year, surrounded by gorgeous coffee plants and landscapes*, we're reminded of the moment, just 3 short years ago, when Ethos was just a dream! We set out to build the company of our dreams, and feel that so far, we've succeeded beyond our dreams - as we never thought we would find such an amazing group of like-minded people who also believe they can make an impact!

So, this last day of the year, we just wanted to say thank you... for making Ethos possible... and for believing - and living - this dream with us! We hope 2019 brings you the opportunity to realize all your dreams!

From the bottom of our hearts,

Jolian & Lisbeth 

* Please check our Instagram - @ethosroasters, we have Colombia pics and videos we're not able to share as a blog post or in an email.


Today, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, our hearts and our minds fill with overwhelming gratitude. We’re so grateful for this journey, for all the love, for all the lessons, and for this amazing opportunity to make a difference. Above all, we’re grateful for you!

We’re especially grateful to you today because it’s now been years (years!) since some of you first learned about us - and order after order, you’ve kept us learning, growing, and making a difference! In our endless search for more impact, perhaps we’ve discontinued a few of your old favorites… and you’ve been open to try -and fall in love with- new favorites! Perhaps we’ve made a mistake in your order, and you’ve given us an opportunity to make it right… and many more chances to roast for you again! You’ve generously taking the time to write a review, follow us, post pictures, share one of our posts, recommend us to your friends, or email us to say how much you loved your coffee! All these things matter. All these have kept us going. All these have led us here. You truly are the fuel that powers all our coffee roasting!

Thank you - from the bottom of our hearts - for the opportunity to keep roasting for you. Thank you for choosing to #BrewGreatness in the world every single day. We hope this Thanksgiving overwhelms you with gratitude and happiness,

-Jolian & Lisbeth

PS. This Thanksgiving, we’re focusing on the “giving” part - so we’re including a 🎁on all orders this week. Plus, this weekend (Fri-Sun) we’ll run our first THANKS-GIVING COFFEE SPECIAL - you can send a bag of Ethos ☕️ to anyone in the US for just $10! Finally, we’ll be posting pics and videos of our Roastery Experience on IG & FB so can all join us in spirit! ❤︎


Ethos is turning TWO! And we have so, SO much to be grateful for, and to celebrate!

We still remember how scared we were when we bought our first 50-lb bag of Specialty, Fair-Trade green coffee to roast, and we thought to ourselves "if this doesn't work out... we may be drinking this coffee for the next two years!" (on the bright side, we'd picked a delicious coffee, so the idea wasn't too unbearable!)... fast-forward two years, and we routinely have days when we roast over 50 lbs! Thank YOU for keeping us roasting & allowing us to discover more amazing coffees!

Ethos began in a very intentional way - we've been focused on making an impact in the lives of farmers and on elevating your coffee excellence since the very beginning (#brewgreatness) - and that is what continues to inspire us every single day. We have so much to celebrate, yet our biggest achievement is perhaps our ability to source, for the first time, a full pallet of coffee from "Poaquil" in Guatemala - paying them THREE times (yes, 3 times!) the market price! (if you want to picture the economic difference that'd make... imagine your next paycheck triples... and stays that way for a whole year!). This one is our most impactful coffee yet, and we couldn't be prouder of bringing you such an outstanding cup! We've also added two new blends in honor of our Lakeland, Florida home - "White Swan" and "Black Swan" - both combine familiar chocolate/nutty coffees with more exotic fruity/floral coffees, for an experience that aims to showcase the best of both worlds.

Over the next few weeks, we'll be sending samples of our new additions, along with special Guatemalan souvenirs from our recent trip! (while supplies last). We also want to invite you to participate in our first "Social Scavenger Hunt" (now until April 15). To win: (1) follow us on Facebook and/or Instagram (or both - we feature different content on each platform!) (2) post TWO (yes, just two!) pics featuring/tagging Ethos (could be two different locations that serve Ethos, including markets/events, OR two different ways/places you brew or enjoy Ethos), (3) review us on Facebook or Google and (4) claim a FREE 8-oz bag of your choice OR Ethos Tote on your next order! (just let us know from which account did you post). 

If we keep going this way... in a few years... we might become an "overnight success"!

Thank you for making this journey possible,

- Jolian & Lisbeth

P.S. We're heading to the SCA in Seattle next month to get our second roaster!!! Stay tuned for pics on FB and IG!

Ethos 2018 | We have a dream!

Today, as we celebrate one of the most inspirational figures in history, we wanted to reflect and share with you our own aspirations and dreams for this year - we're so excited and would love to hear your thoughts (email us at coffee@ethosroasters.com)!

First, we want to continue on our journey to (one day) be recognized as one of the best coffee roasters in the USA - sourcing a wider selection of beans (including rare finds where both quality and impact are off the charts - i.e. our new "X Series"), and growing our business without compromising our freshness & small-batch roasting promises (to this end, we're planning to add a second roaster this year, which will allow us to serve a wider range of volumes - always roasted fresh, to order!). Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we search for #TheNewEthosRoaster!

Second, we want to keep improving your customer experience... and create our first loyalty program this year! If you haven't already, we would encourage you to create an account in our website - we added this functionality to make your checkouts easier (i.e. you can securely save your billing and shipping details), and give you the ability to see your coffee history, but we think we can also use it to reward your support! Please stay tuned... and send us your ideas!  We have also just created our first recurring Subscription program - you can choose the amount of coffee we send, and how often you'd like us to send it! There's no pre-payment, no need to re-order every time, and you can cancel anytime! Ongoing subscribers get our best value (as our new "X Series" coffees are included, plus exclusive sample previews of new arrivals and experimental blends), and we hope you'll check it out and let us know what you think! We've also kept 2, 3, and 6-month prepaid subscriptions, as they make great gifts!

Finally, we want to make sure we continue to grow our IMPACT - we're currently phasing out our non-Organic-certified inventory, so within the next 6 months, ALL Ethos single-origins will be certified Organic. We'll continue to source exclusively Fair-Trade or fully traceable Direct-Trade beans (if the price paid to the farmers is higher than Fair-Trade) and we will continue to go out of our way to find and support small-farmer-championing, women-inclusive cooperatives! 

Thank you so, so much for being part of our dreams and our journey!

Jolian & Lisbeth

PS. WFLA News Channel 8/38 is doing a segment on coffee and they've decided to come to Lakeland and visit the Ethos roastery!!! We'll be in the morning news on Mon, Jan 29, live at 7 am, and on re-runs throughout the day... we'll also try to get and share the link on our Facebook page if you'd like to watch online :)




Hello 2018! We wanted to begin this year by thanking you for making 2017 the best year in Ethos history (yet!), and wishing you many new adventures, blessings, and delicious cups of freshly roasted coffee in 2018!

As we look back a year, we really couldn't have imagined what 2017 had in store for us - from the move to our own (amazing) location in Lakeland, to being honored with a prestigious Entrepreneurship award, appearing on prestigious local and regional publications (Tampa Bay Times, The Ledger, Haven Lakeland, and The Lakelander) and even on TV (Bay News 9 and local NBC Channel 8) - we really couldn't have imagined how an incredible year 2017 turned out to be! Yet, the most amazing and exciting thing that happens to us every single day is when we get an order from a returning customer - it really is the most exciting feeling in the world to get to do what we love, for reasons we love even more (the opportunity to make an impact in the lives of farmers and customers), and for people who are giving us the chance to do it again! We realize we haven't met all of you yet - but we want you to know we're truly and deeply grateful to you for every single time we get to roast for you! 

As we begin 2018, we're looking forward to so many things... from our first craft beer collaboration, with the incredibly talented team at Swan Brewing, to getting our first multi-store customer, Uncle Nick's Bagels, and adding our SECOND roaster this year (stay tuned... we would love YOU to be part of this!). Above all, we're looking forward to the chance to impact a lot more people (farmers, customers, and partners) and get closer to our long-term goal of creating a new sourcing model that goes beyond Fair-Trade, and building the most customer-centered coffee roastery in the world! 

And for each of you we hope 2018 brings you everything you're wishing (and working) for!

Jolian & Lisbeth